Britain does not have a national bird. That is an unbelievable fact, given that Britain – the birthplace of birding – is well known as a nation of animal lovers. So why does the nation, in which I was raised, not have an emblemic bird? After all, many other countries […]
Read MoreArchive for April, 2015
There’s Always Time for Birding
I recently had the honor of attending the 2015 Polar Educators International Conference in Hannover, Germany. Being my first trip to Continental Europe, I was keen on seeing some new birds in new places. The conference, however, was booked pretty solidly with activities, workshops, and presentations relating to polar education, not birds. […]
Read MoreLocal Patch Birding
Do you have a local patch? A spot near your home where you regularly go to bird? I live in Tucson, Arizona, and my spot is a wastewater treatment facility called Sweetwater Wetlands. The City of Tucson has created a spot that not only uses natural processes to help clean wastewater, […]
Read MoreChampions of the Flyway Part IV: The Race is On!
It was the morning before the race and our intention was to scout the immediate Eilat area and formulate the final part of our route. We started at Ofira Park in town where we could check the potential and look for the White-throated Kingfisher that had been reported here, while also […]
Read MoreZhao Xinru: Tragopan in the Deep Fog
It was thirty years ago, with cold fog covering the mountains, unlocking the secrets of the moment’s feeling. In the spring of 1984 I was fortunate enough to be an assistant accompanying China’s famous ornithologist Professor Zheng Guangmei to southern Zhejiang Wuyanling Reserve. We had only one goal: to find […]
Read MoreChampions of the Flyway Part III: Piecing it Together
This is part three in a series of blog posts about the Champions of the Flyway event, an annual bird race (big day) for conservation held in Eilat, Israel. A true international event, birders from all over the globe are coming together to make a difference during Champions of the Flyway: a bird race […]
Read MoreBackyard Birding in Wales
We, Ruth Miller and Alan Davies, are two British birders that some of you may have heard of. Back in 2008 we set off on a birding adventure, The Biggest Twitch. Birding in 27 countries, we set a new world record for the number of species recorded in a single […]
Read MorePhotographing Critically Endangered Owls of Madagascar
Alan van Norman, a neurosurgeon from Bismarck, North Dakota, spends much of his spare time traveling the world to photograph owls. In November 2014, he excitedly boarded a flight destined for some remote Indian Ocean islands off the east coast of Africa. Not only did he want to find and […]
Read MoreDessi Sieburth: ABA Young Birder of the Year 2015
Each year the American Birding Association honors young birders from all over the country with the coveted „ABA Young Birder of the Year“ awards. This year, the winners were Marky Mutchler of Liberty, Missouri and Dessi Sieburth of Montrose, California. These and the other young birders competed in an intense year-long competition that might […]
Read MoreChampions of the Flyway Part II: The Lay of the Land
This is part two in a series of blog posts about the Champions of the Flyway event. A staggering 2,500,000 birds are illegally hunted, trapped and killed on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus each year. Birders from all over the globe are coming together to make a difference during Champions of the Flyway: […]
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